
Monday, January 12, 2009

Yellowstar*Essentials New Celestial Elements Angel Therapy


Organic Aromatherapy

Products For the

Mind, Body, & Spirit






Celestial Elements

Angel Therapy

Concentrated Purefume

Spray Mists Gift Set 


*inspirations designed with thoughtful intention

and divined essence of celestial vitalities.



Gift Set Includes FIVE (5) Personal Protective Archangel Blends

made with THERAPEUTIC GRADE Essential Oils

only organic high quality ingredients

are used in all of my products

One designed for each Angel:

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, & Your Personal Guardian Angel

plus a free gift with every order!

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Learn how to Ask Your Guardian Angel's Name

Learn How to  "Angel Charge"  your candles or any special items

for Healing, Wisdom, Strength , Nature or Natural Situations

How To Charge or Cleanse your Crystals


Learn How to receive Angel assistance involved with

HEALING, psychic gifts, vision, intuitions,

clairvoyance, astral travel, herbal medicine,

Career Achievement, Ambitions, Life tasks, Motivation. Protection,

help in comprehending your identity, magic, devotion, Alchemy, sudden changes,

Astrology, Universal Cosmic Consciousness, Divine order,

distribution of  power & universal flow and much more!


Your Celestial Elements

Angel Therapy

Concentrated Purefume

Spray Mists Gift Set Includes:




 Five (5), 2.5 ml spray mist bottles of one ea. of the following:

1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Michael blend,

1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Gabriel blend,

1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Raphael blend,

1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Uriel blend, &

1- 2.5 ml spray mist bottle of Archangel Your Personal Guardian Angel blend

also comes with more information on each Angel


An  Invocation of the Angels Prayer

Seraphim Call

and A Special Invocation to the Healing Angels Prayer

A Mother's Prayer to the Guardian Angel of her Children

and a special free gift with every order!




*Gabriel: “GOD is my strength”

angel of annunciation and mercy


*Raphael: “GOD has Healed”

Angel of healing and science


*Michael: “He Who is as GOD”

Angel of protection and patience


*Uriel: “Light of GOD”

Angel of unconditional love, understanding & peace


*Guardian angel:

Your personal angelic guide





Archangel Gabriel--  “GOD is my strength”

Archangel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, revelation, truth, and hope

Element: Water/ Direction: West

Symbols: Lily & Trumpet


Organic essential oils of: Angelica root, Carrot seed, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose Otto, Hyssop, Helichrysum, & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.

Gabriel is the angel of the moon who brings us the gift of hope. He is the spirit of truth and the prince of justice. He is the bringer of intuition, and receptivity. Ruler of psychic gifts, visions, Intuition, magic, clairvoyance, astral travel, herbal medicine, the cycles of women, and female aspects of men.




Archangel Raphael--“GOD has Healed”

Archangel of HEALING, prayer, love, light, joy, science & knowledge

Element: Air / Direction: East

Symbol: 5 pointed star


Organic essential oils of: Myrrh, Palmarosa, Rose, Bergamot, Geranium, Sandalwood, Helichrysum, & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.

Raphael is one of the four presences set over all the diseases & all the wounds of children. Raphael is charged to heal the earth. He is the regent of the sun, Chief of the order of virtues & overseer of the evening winds. Angel of prayer, love, joy, light, science, and knowledge. Above all, he is the angel of healing.




Archangel Michael--“He Who is as GOD”

Michael is the bringer of Protection & Patience Defender of the People

Element: Fire / Direction: South

Symbols: Sword & Blue Cloak


Organic essential oils of: Elemi, Ravensara, Lemon, Frankincense, Myrrh, Galbanum, Jasmine, Rose, Cedarwood & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in a dry oil base.

Michael ranks as the greatest of all angels. He is the head of all the great warring angels who do battle against evil. Angel of career Achievement, Ambitions, Life tasks, Motivation. Protection Archangel.




Archangel Uriel-- “Light of GOD”

Uriel is the bringer of Unconditional Love, Understanding, & Peace

Element: Earth/ Direction: North

Symbol: Open hand holding a flame


Organic essential oils of: Clary Sage, Jasmine, Yarrow, Immortelle (Helichrysum), Sweet Basil, child oils of the citrus & other therapeutic grade essential oils with Vit.E in dry oil base.

Archangel Uriel is child-like in nature, very understanding & non-judgmental

Understanding is the pathway to expression that helps you Comprehend your identity through Goodwill to others. The ruler over magic, devotion, Alchemy, sudden changes, Astrology, universal cosmic Consciousness, Divine order, distribution of  power & universal flow.





*Guardian angel: your personal angelic guide

Your guardian angel is always there, whether you acknowledge it or not. Everyone has a personal guardian angel who, from the very minute you were born, was assigned to you and will be there to protect and guide you whenever you should need or ask. One of the nicest things you could do would be to thank your guardian angel for all the times that they were there for you.

Everyone has guardian angels, but many people are just too busy to hear them. Angels are polite and have strict orders not to interfere in our daily lives, except in dire circumstances. They will, however, drop subtle messages to keep us out of trouble if we are alert enough to catch them. If you want a clear and concise message from your angel, you must ask a direct question. Your angel will always answer your questions. You must ask your question out loud. Clear, concise questions will get you clear, concise answers. Answers will always be tangible and explicit, something you can put your hands on. The answers I've gotten I could pick up and examine. Asking a frivolous question will get you a silly answer. The universe will match your level of sincerity.

Many people would like to believe in guardian angels, but are skeptical. I always encourage a healthy skepticism when dealing with the astral plane. It is not my intent to convince you that angels exist. You will convince yourself or you won't. There are con artists on the astral plane, just as there are here in temporal life. Your angel will be happy to provide you with evidence of its existence. They seem to have no gender so its no matter if you refer to them as female or male. A real angel will expect you to ask for proof, and will provide you with straightforward answers.




Please choose those angels and prayers which speak to you and remember, angels can hear the words in your heart, too.




Makes a wonderful gift for yourself or someone you love.

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