
Friday, March 25, 2011

Essential Oils for the Chakras

If you’re looking for which essential oils work best for each chakra, I’ve got articles on Associated Content/ Yahoo (type in “chakra” in search my profile) which explains each in detail, but for those who just want a quick glance reference list, see below the easy to read list:

AMBER RESINOID for calming and balancing the chakras and protecting its wearer from negative influences.
ANGELICA SEED to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance. Phototoxic. Avoid bright sunlight and UV lighting in discos.
BASIL to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance.  Do not use if pregnant.
BENZOIN RESINOID to stimulate the First Chakra (base) for grounding, support, security, survival and knowing one’s place in the order of things – and also to stimulate the Third Chakra (solar plexus) for confidence, courage, power, self-esteem, achievement, emotional stability, and heightened awareness to one’s surroundings – and also to stimulate the Fourth Chakra (heart) for compassion and unconditional love, and to give empathy for the tribulations of others.
BERGAMOT to stimulate the Third Chakra (solar plexus) for confidence, courage, power, self-esteem, achievement, emotional stability, and heightened awareness to one’s surroundings and also to stimulate the Fourth Chakra (heart) for compassion and unconditional love, and to give empathy for the tribulations of others. Phototoxic. Avoid bright sunlight and UV lighting in discos.
BLACK PEPPER to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance – and also to stimulate the Third Chakra (solar plexus) for confidence, courage, power, self-esteem, achievement, emotional stability, and heightened awareness to one’s surroundings – and also to stimulate the Fifth Chakra (throat) for spontaneity, communication, expression, and for speaking and hearing the truth, and for clairaudience.
CAJEPUT to stimulate the Fifth Chakra (throat) for spontaneity, communication, expression, for speaking and hearing the truth, and for clairaudience.
CARROT SEED to stimulate the Sixth Chakra (third eye) for intuition, clarity of vision, discernment and clairvoyance – and also to stimulate the Second Chakra (sacral) for sensuality, possession, creativity, intimacy and clairsentience. Not edible. Do not drink this oil.
CEDARWOOD – HIMALAYAN to stimulate the Seventh Chakra (crown) for spirituality and linking with the higher self, inner knowledge and cosmic consciousness.  Do not use if pregnant.

see the rest of the post here; on Yellowstar Essentials wordpress blog

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